Film Program no. 18
Silent Films by Jon Beacham
Return - 10 min 2006
The Last Roll of Kodachrome - 3 min 2007
What I Saw on the Periphery - 10 min 2011
Daybooks - 9min 2017
Film for Violet - 7 min 2017
All films are 16mm silent, color. Program running time: 40 minutes
Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 8pm Free Admission
The Beverly Lounge 224 Foxhall Avenue Kingston NY
I am happy to announce the third screening in Kingston at The Beverly Lounge. This program focuses on my 16mm work between 2006-2017. Two films completed this Fall, Daybooks & Film for Violet will premiere this Saturday. Some notes on the films below.
Shot over the course of one year beginning in Bolinas, CA and moving through San Francisco, New York and Cleveland. San Francisco Chinatown, NYC East Village & LES. A feeling of people moving through time and space before the onslaught of digital delirium. Original Kodachrome print.
The Last Roll of Kodachome
The last roll of this wonderful film stock which went through my Bolex before Kodak shamefully pulled the plug on its production. Initially intended for a project, but upon viewing was decided to be kept in its original format as an unedited camera roll. An exercise in process and the idea of 'first thought, best thought'. Shot during the Summer of 2007 while living in the Catskills of upstate NY.
What I Saw on the Periphery
A travel film shot in the midwest, constructed in eight parts focusing on locations in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio. Interspersed chapter headings like - Houghton, Michigan / Poor Farm / Photographing Buildings / Winter in the Country - give a sense of the feeling of this film. Noah Bowers appears.
Shot primarily in Kingston.
Out walking.
Looking at the things which hold oneself.
Film for Violet
A Portrait of my grandmother Violet's house and Lake Erie. Shot in Euclid Ohio, slowly over the course of three years. Golden light and the calm of the lake. A film about an interior.
Film still above from Film for Violet.